torsdag 4 februari 2010

Arduino Duemilanove Signals

I got my Arduino Duemilanove today! Wuhu! Making my first interactive objects, with some help from the Arduino community though. I'm suprised to find it as easy to use as Processing, but thats probably because it's the same IDE. At the start it was like giving birth, and when I saw the first signs from "GND 13" I nearly started to cry! You know...when you really like an object, person, or abstract felling. One has always some difficulty to explain why this is. Why You ask? Well I think this is just one of these times you are 100% devoted. Any implication of an opposite or negative surrounding are as washed away in the distance as the horizon and beyond that.

Feelings of FLOW are probably one answer why I'm one step closer to a better World!

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